GenAI for Healthcare

Improve Operations. Improve Patient Experience.

January 19th, 12-1 PM CST

Join us for a no-nonsense, practical discussion on how to apply GenAI within your current operations, today.

We’ll discuss impactful changes that can be implemented and scaled in a secure environment. Learn how GenAI will streamline operations and reduce wait times, leading to significant improvements in patient satisfaction and loyalty. By automating the mundane – the paperwork, the routine processes – GenAI will free up highly skilled and critical staff to focus on what they do best, providing top-notch patient care.

Learn how to rethink the patient experience with GenAI. Let us show you how.

Attend our webinar to learn how GENAI can be successfully used to improve patient interactions.

Register Today!
January 19th
12-1 PM CST

GenAI for Healthcare Webinar

Learn all the possible applications for GenAI in Healthcare!

"*" indicates required fields

  • Understanding Patient Journeys 10 min

  • The AI Transformation Journey 10 min

  • Generative AI in Patient Journeys 10 min

  • From Segmentation to Hyper-personalization 10 min

  • Dynamic Patient Journey with AI 10 min

  • Implementation and Evolution 5 min

  • Closing Remarks 5 min

of patients are willing to use AI and robotics to improve their healthcare experience.

(PWC, What doctor? Why AI and Robotics Will Define New Health, 2017)


of healthcare interactions will be digital by 2025, with AI playing a significant role in improving those experiences.

(Stanford Medicine’s 2020 Health Trends Report)


of healthcare executives are already implementing AI, with improvements in patient experience as one of their main goals.

(OptumIQ Annual Survey of AI in Health Care )