Vinli: A revolutionary connected car platform

The automobile is the last unconnected aspect of our lives. Most cars stay on the road for about ten years, and the technology stays the same throughout the entire ownership lifecycle. Technology in a car needs to be updated the moment it leaves the assembly line. On the contrary, technology on our phones, homes, and other aspects of our lives is rapidly evolving.

Vinli’s vision is to turn cars into blazing-fast wifi hotspots and connect the driver to the vast amount of data and services provided by auto manufacturers, mobile carriers, dealerships, insurance companies, service shops, software developers, and OEM suppliers with just a straightforward device and more importantly, put the data in the hands of the consumers using one of the fastest and most reliable LTE networks.
Vinli and the Dialexa Labs team took an idea and within nine months had a working prototype and six mobile applications developed.

The team entered the TechCrunch Disrupt Battlefield Competition in San Francisco and was named to the top 7 most disruptive startups out of over 700 entrants. By June 2015, Vinli announced a 6.5 million dollar investment from some of the most prominent players in the automotive and technology worlds — Samsung Ventures, Continental, Cox Automotive, and early backer of Tesla, the Westly Group. Most recently, First Round Capital, one of the backers of Uber and Square, led a follow-on investment in Vinli.

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40X More Efficient

The new model is 40x more efficient and runs in minutes. It is also fully automated and is five times more accurate than the previous model.

Named Top 7 Most Disruptive Startups

The team entered the TechCrunch Disrupt Battlefield Competition in San Francisco and was named to the top 7 most disruptive startups out of over 700 entrants.

Dollar Sign
$6.5 Million Dollar Investment

Vinli announced a $6.5 million dollar investment from some of the biggest players in the automotive and technology worlds



The team conceived and created the most powerful and comprehensive connected car platform in the world reimagining the in-car experience for both drivers and passengers. The solution consists of the most powerful connected car platform and OBD-II device out there, the most comprehensive app store for any car or model, and the most diverse suite of applications and services for vehicles. It is the most advanced connected car solution on the planet.


Vinli brings a blazing fast LTE Wifi hotspot to the car allowing drivers and passengers to never be without connectivity.

Imagine your kids streaming Netflix in the backseat while your front seat passenger catches up on work email while heading to the family vacation. And if trouble strikes, the connection can link you up to emergency services automatically— help is never out of reach.

The entire solution and development includes designing, architecting and developing the Vinli platform including Vinli’s cloud-based services, Web API, iOS SDK, and Android SDK, the Vinli OBD-II device, the first mobile applications to seed the Vinli App Store as well as the backend technology to offer developers building on the Vinli platform the tools and services they need.


quote-mark Starting from nothing, we wanted (in 3 months) to build and surpass what took our competitors years to achieve. This seemingly impossible and highly complex task was only possible because of the talent, dedication, and hard work of the team at Dialexa. Because of this, we are leading the connected car market on the global stage. quote-mark

– Mark Haidar, CEO @ Vinli

Vinli is the ultimate driving companion. With Bluetooth and 4G LTE capabilities, your car is now connected to a new world of possibilities.

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