Building a Path for Success

Opening the Door to AI
Transformative Insights and Strategies

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Ready to Define Your AI Journey With Our AI Workshop?

Work with our experts as we provide guidance and best practices and help you foster an environment where AI is not feared but used for positive impact and measurable business value.

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Workshop Goals:

Understanding AI’s Healthcare Opportunities, Art of the Possible& Best Practice
Based on best practices, our experts will lead an interactive discussion on the most powerful impacts of AI in healthcare. We will also explore problems to solve specific to your business challenge.

Identify Highest-Value AI Use Cases
We will consider factors such as key business objectives, potential ROI, ease of implementation and alignment with strategic goals to ideate on all the use cases that will create a meaningful impact for your business.

Risk to Value Prioritization
We will help you develop a prioritization framework to rank and assess AI use cases so you know where to concentrate your efforts, capture risks, and develop mitigation plans based on best practices.

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Proposed Agenda:

30 mins   Welcome & Introductions
45 mins   Understanding AI’s Opportunities
60 mins   Identifying High-Value AI Use Cases
60 mins   Risk, Value, Complexity Prioritization
60 mins   Wrap-Up and Roadmap

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Client AI Success Story

Dialexa assembled a data science team and, over the course of an 8-week period, designed and implemented custom machine learning models to enhance the scoring process, allowing automation of manual tasks. Upon validation of the initial model, the continuous retraining pipeline was developed to improve the model over time by leveraging the incoming data. After only a year, the models exceeded the predetermined threshold for full automation.

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