Improved Self-Service Experience for Golf Enthusiasts

New Kiosks improve lobby to bay experience
They are leveraging technology to create an entirely new, family-friendly golf experience. The Client wanted to create the ultimate easy self-service check-in process. Valuable time was being wasted during the check-in process, so the challenge was to reduce the time and effort while increasing customer satisfaction and affinity to the brand.
Transforming the organization with methodologies
Six images of user screens for selecting game you want to play

The new kiosk experience reduces the average check-in time from 12 minutes to 93 seconds. Customer satisfaction has increased dramatically, and the reduced bay turnaround time resulted in unexpected additional revenue. This approach allowed the client to deliver a simple, intuitive, and empowering experience that requires no assistance from the staff.

We also provided new ways to gather richer data, which enables a better understanding of the customer, and continued enhancement of the experience. This new data continues to unlock new revenue opportunities. Needing less labor in the lobby reduces overhead and provides better customer support in other areas of the venue.

Ultimately, we not only transformed the check-in experience, we also transformed the client organization. The Dialexa methodologies taught them to rethink collaboration and helped focus their efforts on the customer.

10X Customer Satisfaction

Decreased check-in time by 90% from 12 minutes to 93 seconds

Dollar Sign
$2M in Additional Revenue

New data and improved experience created opportunities to capture unexpected new revenue

83% more customer data

Enabled them to capture better customer data to enable up-sells and improve experience


Successful Prototype

The Dialexa design thinking methodologies unified stakeholders and identified several options. Through conducting workshops, our team was able to map out the current customer experience, leverage customer data and conduct primary user research. We then narrowed it down to the best option and approach, then iterated quickly to create a functioning prototype that could be tested with real customers in the venue.  


A billion-dollar family entertainment company

  • Design Lead
  • Software Architect
  • Designer
  • Quality Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Engagement Manager
  • Research & Design
  • Software Engineering

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