Digital Tour Books for Property Listings

Create digital tour books for customers to access from anywhere.
Our Client wanted to provide their brokers with the ability to create digital tour books with property listings for customers to access from anywhere.

The end result was a responsive web application that allowed brokers to track customer engagement, easily collaborate with team members, and share tour books digitally with property listings for clients to access anywhere.

Their customers can now save and compare their favorite property listings, reference their comments on a property, and instantly contact their broker.

+100% Market Demand

Enabled Client to quickly adapt and respond to their customers’ evolving property requirements

Delight: Better Customer Experience

App allowed brokers to access their properties from anywhere, increasing customer engagement

Advantage: First to Market

First in the industry to offer a real-time market search capability, causing disruption and creating a competitive advantage

Image shows the design and layout of pages on the digital real estate platform

Design thinking workshops

The Dialexa team used design thinking workshops and methodologies to outline a clear vision with the Client. This was then built into a digital prototype that helped gain alignment across stakeholders and target users around the solution. This insight gave the different user groups a clear direction on key functionality before starting application development.


Global commercial real estate services company

  • Product Designer
  • Software Engineer
  • Front-End Developer
  • Quality Engineer
  • Product Manager
  • Research & Design
  • Delivery Assurance
  • Design Thinking

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